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Free eBook

Violence Can Happen Anywhere,
at Any Time

Empower your workforce with proactive options-based training designed to help them survive in the face of violence.

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Even though business operations may be taking place beyond the walls of your institution, empowering employees with information about how to respond to violence — including active shooter incidents — can be key to increasing their chances for survival as well as the survival of those around them.

Providing options-based, age- and ability-appropriate active shooter response training to your team members can also offer them the peace of mind that you’re taking their safety seriously.

Key takeaways from this eBook:

  • Understanding why violent incidents are taking place in today's society, including public spaces
  • Learning what you can do to empower your employees to survive violence, such as an active shooter incident
  • Realizing the return on investment in providing such lifesaving training, including increased employee productivity and morale

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